Fred & Steve Personal Cigar creation is a medium bodied cigar of beautiful construction. Twin River Casino has partner with two NFL greats and cigar aficionados Fred Smerles & Steve DeOssie who hand selected the cigars. Some of these cocktails use the new molecular mixolgy techniques of hand crafted foams & carbonation.
Fred & Steve's Blackstone Cigar Bar has been selected to work some of the top American Spirit Distillers (Tito Handmade Vodka, Death's Door Whiskey, Berkshire's Greylock Gin, & Rhode Island own Thomas Tew Rum) to create modern day hand-crafted, and Global Spirits Distrillers such as Bacardi Rum, Beefeater Gin, Grey Goose Vodka & Four Roses Bourbon to make pre-prohibition hand crafted cocktails. Guests today are looking for more creative cocktails using fresh ingredients, natural sugars and new technology.
Now you can Relax at New England's newest and 'hottest' cigar bar. Combined with a Cigar menu that was personally selected by Fred Smerlas & Steve DeOssie including their very own signature Fred & Steve hand-made cigar. Our cocktail selection consists of everything from pre-prohibition to modern day hand-crafted cocktails, made with premium spirits & fresh ingredients using some of the hottest trends in mixology.